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Made in the USA
美国人节能智能型Energy Smart®自清洗家用电热水器
Energy Smart® Self-Cleaning, Residential Electric
Installation Instructions and Use & Care Guide (10)
Operating the Temperature Control System

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Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Operating the Temperature Control System


Water Temperature Adjustment

  The water temperature can be adjusted from 80°F to 150°F. Use the temperature control knob to change to the desired temperature.

Operating Mode Descriptions

  1. 智能模式 - 控制器操作热水器,将水温维持在用户选择的温度上。
    Smart Mode - The controller operates the water heater to maintain the customer’s selected temperature.
  2. 节能智能模式 - 控制器将水温调节到能够满足用户需求得最低温度上。这种模式能够将运行成本降到最小。控制器不会将温度调节到用户选择的温度以上,也不会低于46oC。
    Energy Smart Mode - The controller adjusts the water temperature to lowest temperature required to meet the
    household demands. This mode minimizes operating costs. The controller will not adjust temperature higher than
    customer’s selected set point or lower than 115°F.
  3. 低温模式 - 控制器将水温限制在49oC或更低的用户选择温度以下。请参阅第9页,了解有关烫伤的更详细资料。
    Low Temperature Mode - The controller limits the water temperature to 120°F or at the temperature selected
    whichever is lower. See page 9 for more information on scalds.
  4. 假期/小住宅模式 - 控制器将水温调节在10oC左右。如果热水器长期不使用,建议采用这种模式。这种模式能够有效的关闭热水器,并防止热水器被冻结。
    Vacation/Cabin Mode - The controller adjusts the water temperature to approximately 50°F. This mode is
    recommended when the water heater is not in use for a long period of time. This effectively turns the water heater
    off and prevents the water from freezing.

Diagnostic Indicator Light Analysis

  • 灯亮 - 表示电源接通,并工作正常。
    Light On - Indicates power applied and operating correctly.
  • 灯暗 - 表示没有电源,或控制器故障
    Light Off - Indicates no power or a controller problem.
  • 闪烁一下 - 表示在热水器围注满水的情况下接通电源。
    One Flash - Indicates the power was applied to water heater before the tank filled with water.
  • 闪烁两下 - 表示已经达到最高限制温度。
    Two Flashes - Indicates the high limit temperature has been reached.
  • 闪烁三下 - 表示温度感应器出现故障。
    Three Flashes - Indicates a problem with the temperature sensors.
  • 闪烁四下 - 检测上部加热元件。
    Four Flashes - Check upper element.
  • 闪烁五下 - 检测下部加热元件。
    Five Flashes - Check lower element.
  • 闪烁六下 - 表示控制器出现故障。
    Six Flashes - Indicates a controller problem.

Reset Function

  The reset function is used to restart the Temperature Control System after an error condition has been detected and corrected.

  Reset the control by changing the Mode Control to another mode and returning to the original operating mode. After a reset, the control performs self diagnostics before normal operations begin. This takes approximately 10 minutes.

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