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首页Home美国太平洋阀门执行机构和附件 Pacific Actuators & Accessories>正文Text
Remote Actuators


Remote Actuators

  在许多应用场合,操作阀门可能要求采用电动、气动或液动执行机构。这种装置主要应用在下列阀门上:(1) 太大或具有很高的关闭压差,以至于人工无法关闭;(2) 操作人员无法接近操作;(3) 作为系统的一部分,要求许多阀门同步操作;(4) 必须进行远程控制,对于危险区域的紧急关闭常常是不可缺少的。
  In many applications, operation of valves may require the use of electric, pneumatic or hydraulic actuators. Such applications include those where the valve (1) is too large or has too high a differential shut-off pressure for manual operation; (2) is not accessible for manual operation; (3) is part of a system requiring simultaneous operation of many valves; (4) must be triggered from a remote location, as is often essential for emergency shut-off in hazardous areas.
  We will gladly furnish any type or make of actuator you specify, or make recommendations for your particular service conditions. All Pacific gate, globe and non-return valves can be supplied with electric, air, gas or hydraulic driven motor actuators or cylinder actuators.


Motor Actuators

  Motor actuators for rising stem valves can be powered by air, gas, hydraulic or electric power. The most common method of actuation is the electric motor actuator, as it is generally the most cost effective.
  Electric motor actuated valves can be provided to meet the broadest range of requirements including operating cycle time, use of integral or remote controls, starters and indicators, and a wide range of power sources. They are less readily adaptable to fail-safe operation than cylinder actuators because they generally require more stored energy.
  Air motor actuators are often specified in very hazardous locations where electric power is not available or permitted. The major disadvantage of this type of actuator is air consumption, particularly when applied to large valves. The combination of high gear ratio and long stroke can drain an entire air system unless the air supply system is specially designed to accommodate this type of actuator. Like electric motor actuators, these are not readily adaptable for a fail-safe mode.


Information Required to Quote Motor Actuators

  1. 阀门通径,型号或规格说明。
    Valve size, figure number or description.
  2. 阀门操作条件(压力,温度,流量和流体介质)。
    Valve operating conditions (pressure, temperature, flow rate and fluid).
  3. 最大(关闭)压差。
    Maximum differential (shut-off) pressure.
  4. 主要能源供应:
    Primary power supply:
    1. 电压,相数,频率,
      electric-voltage, phase cycles,
    2. 气体或液体,可供的流量,最大和最小压力。
      gas or hydraulic-fluid, available flow rate, maximum and minimum pressure.
  5. 控制电压。
    Control voltage.
  6. 阀杆位置。
    Valve stem position.
  7. 关闭时间和频率。
    Closing time and frequency.
  8. 所要求的结构(NEMA,等等),或者当地环境。
    Required construction (NEMA, etc.) or local environment.
  9. 辅助设备:
    Auxiliary equipment:
    1. 按钮板,
      push-button stations,
    2. 可逆控制器,
      reversing controllers,
    3. 位置指示器,
      position indicators,
    4. 其它(例如,阀杆盖,等等)
      other (i.e., stem covers, etc.)
  10. 特殊要求(例如,辐射,地震,等等)
    Special requirements (i.e., radiation, seismic, etc.)
  11. 如果有的话,特别指定的制造商或品牌。
    Preference for specific manufacturer, if any.
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