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Wholesaler of Plumbing Industry in USA

Export Experts

  Despite many parallels, selling plumbing in the Pacific Rim is very different from its domestic counterpart. Hirsch Pipe shows how to master the art of overseas marketing.

Hirsch Pipe & Supply's Dan Mariscal
(right) with his son Greg: "Export is not
for everyone. You have to be a true
entrepreneurial talent."

  Vacationing in Beijing, China, in 1989, Dan Mariscal was washing his hands in the hotel room sink when he noticed that the fitting was made by The Chicago Faucet Co. His Los Angeles plumbing-wholesale firm, Hirsch Pipe & Supply Co., was and still is the largest distributor for Chicago Faucet in the United States. So Mariscal naturally wondered, "Hey, why not go after this market too?"

  Mariscal's son, Greg Mariscal, spent several years during the late 1980s living in Japan after obtaining a degree in psychology and business administration from UCLA. Fathers and sons are seldom like-minded, especially when the younger man is just starting out. But living amid Japan's booming construction market and recognizing the consequent need for plumbing products, Greg arrived at the same why-not question as his father. Joining Hirsch Pipe full-time in late 1990, he spearheaded the firm's efforts to expand its market beyond U.S. borders to include the countries of the Pacific Rim.

  Four years into the business, Hirsch is still relatively new to exporting, its president admits. "Of the more than 80 active line we stock," says Dan Mariscal, "we've developed overseas markets for just 25, accounting for less than 10% of our annual volume." But that modest share, nonetheless, represents a significant and growing factor in Hirsch's long-term marketing plans.

English is the Language of business in the
Pacific Rim, but this Hirsch brochure
introduces the company in a language
the buyer can more readily understand.

  Four years into the business, Hirsch is still relatively new to exporting, its president admits. "Of the more than 80 active line we stock," says Dan Mariscal, "we've developed overseas markets for just 25, accounting for less than 10% of our annual volume." But that modest share, nonetheless, represents a significant and growing factor in Hirsch's long-term marketing plans.

  What has Hirsch management learned so far about the export market? For one, success is not an overnight affair. The elder Mariscal pegs the task of developing a profitable venture within a foreign country at upwards of five years. Predictably, a foreign start-up is also more expensive than its domestic parallel. These extra costs include not only frequent transoceanic travel, but also the expense of developing foreign contacts, conforming to unfamiliar governmental regulations and, most important of all, mastering a new language and culture.

  Though they might wince at our headline, The Mariscals were glad to sit down with this writer recently to enumerate some of the ins and outs of what can be a very tricky business. If nothing else, an aspiring wholesaler-turned-exporter must clearly understand what he's getting into before plunging into foreign waters.

Guidelines To Overseas Success

  • 建立个人感情联系:无论在任何地方,开拓任何市场的第一步是寻找和培养用户。人们通常倾向于和朋友做生意,这个原则在美国适用,在亚洲也适用。当然,出口业务使得这个原则实行遇到了一个重要的障碍,格瑞说:"语言障碍是一个所要面对的挑战。"
  • Build personal relationships: The first step to opening any market anywhere is to find and cultivate customers. People generally prefer doing business with friends, an axiom that applies just as well to Asia as it does to this country. Of course, exporting brings one major twist on this rule, says Greg: "Language barriers are an ongoing challenge."

  英语也许是环太平洋地区商业贸易通用的语言。但是外国人如果能够说一些当地的方言,哪怕只会说一点点 -- 对于改善合作双方的关系有一定的帮助,那样会使得买方在与外国人做生意时能够感到舒适一些。
  English may be the language of business and trade throughout the Pacific Rim. But the foreigner's ability to speak the native tongue - even a little - will help warm relations, making the buyer more comfortable about doing business with an outsider.

  但是,即使个人关系非常重要,也不要指望到国外市场能够逃避国内的残酷的价格战。"正如美国一样,对于大订单,价格仍然是至关重要的,"丹尼补充道,这意味着必须把成本控制在最低水平。同时,对于小订单,国外用户"往往也希望花很小的代价获取额外的服务。" -- 这一点,也和在美国一样。
  But while personal relations are important, don't expect to go overseas to escape the domestic price war. "As in the United States, price is king on the larger orders," says Dan, who adds that this means keeping costs to a minimum. Meanwhile, on smaller orders, the overseas customer "is usually willing to spend a little bit more for extra convenience" - again, just like in this country.

  How does an American wholesaler get the word out that he wants to do business in a foreign land? According to the Mariscals, each nation has its own trade directory containing the names of potential customers. To reach these prospects and generate inquiries, various types of advertising, direct mail, catalogs, fax promotions and good old word of mouth must come into play.

  "我们尽可能以已最快速度回复每个询价,"丹尼说,在维持与遥远的外国密切的通信方面,美国好施集团的传真机扮演着非常重要的角色。此外,传真还提供比电话还要有价值、更准确的书面纪录 -- 至少对于那些懂得英语的用户是这样的。
  "We try to answer every inquiry as soon as possible," says Dan, who adds that Hirsch's fax machine plays a crucial role in maintaining close communications with distant lands. The fax also provides a valuable written record that is more accurate than a voice response over the telephone - at least for those who understand English.


  This approach inevitably demands a great deal of time and money, which is why a newcomer will need plenty of patience to develop a strong presence in whatever country he chooses to penetrate. " It typically takes three to five years to turn a profit," warns Dan.

  • 要小心的不同的政治体制:在选择所要的开拓的国外市场,需要事先搞清楚:这个国家与美国的关系如何?对于国外公司来说答案似乎有比较浓厚的学术色彩,格瑞说,"人们必须研究和处理所要开拓的国外市场的政治体制,"因为这些体制对于国外业务是否能够成功至关重要。
  • Beware of the political realities: Before targeting a foreign country for export sales, you must ask: What is the state of the relationship between that nation and the United States? The answer to that question is more than academic for the overseas marketer, says Greg. "You must deal with the political realities of whatever country you're exporting into," because those realities will have a direct bearing on the success of your enterprise.

  Fortunately, touring Asia doesn't pose the same complexities as traveling in the more troubled Middle East. "Pacific Rim officials just check my U.S. passport," says Greg. "They're not concerned about which countries I previously visited before I came to theirs."

  Nonetheless, Asian nations do have regulations for foreign visitors, particularly with regard to length of stay. Knowledge of these regulations will help an American businessman focus his limited time on taking care of business before all else.

  • 要注意政府的有关规定:当然,在任何国家,不仅仅是环太平洋地区国家,政府的规定和红头文件都会成为商业人士争论的焦点。但是对于希望开拓国外市场的公司来说,有时这些规定和红头文件可能成为他们的噩梦 -- 甚至是他们打道回府,在也不敢到这个国家做生意。
  • Beware of government regulations: Of course, government regulations and red tape can be a big-time hassle for businessmen in any country, not just the Pacific Rim. But for an outsider looking to get in, they can be a nightmare - enough to send him packing, never to return again.

  The Mariscals report they've had no licensing problems with our own government. "We keep our exporting business simple by shipping strictly on demand to distributors, trading companies and other U.S. firms with established overseas leads. No inventory is built here or there, and no job site is developed."

  But regulations on the far side of the water are another story. Not long ago, Hirsch encountered a major customs hassle when it attempted to ship 15 whirlpool tubs into South Korea. The government there had instituted a crackdown against "luxury" items in an effort to narrow Korea's trade deficit with the United States and other countries. The items were hung up in Korean customs for well over a month until the U.S. Department of Commerce intervened on behalf of Hirsch. Thus did the firm's 15 tubs become entangled in Korean trade policy.

  Though his merchandise was finally liberated, Greg knows that "an exporter is forever at the mercy of the customs official. He can personally decide whether a particular item should be permitted into his country. Everyting seems to be a case-by-case situation with no general rules to follow."

Greg, Director of Hirsch International, and
Hammer Zhang, Representative of Hirsch
China Office in a warehouse

• 注意了解不同的文化:了解不同的文化远比了解如何用当地方言说您好、再见和卫生间在哪里还要重要。每个国家,包括我们自己的国家,都有自身独特的、长期形成的习惯。这些文化可能看起来有点奇怪、琐碎,甚至有点滑稽可笑。但是忽视这些文化,无论是有益的还是无意的,都可能导致非常难堪的局面并丢掉生意。
  • Beware of cultural differences: Cultural awareness goes well beyond knowing how to say hello, goodbye, and where's the bathroom in the mother tongue. Every country, including ours, has its special time-honored customs. They may seem peculiar, trivial, even downright humorous. But ignoring them - willfully or innocently - can result in deep embarrassment and lost business.

  Dan recalls an American of Chinese ancestry who visited mainland China to consummate a business agreement. To promote his line, he brought along a number of green and yellow baseball caps as giveaways. The Chinese have no objetion to baseball caps, but the color was a problem - a big problem." A green cap is worn by a person whose wife has not been faithful," Dan explains.

  So the Chinese were not at all amused. Realizing his error, the businessman fetched new caps of a different color, and his gifts were readily accepted.

  In Japan, bowing is a form of greeting as well as an expression of respect, all without having to utter a single word. Knowing when and how low to bow is therefore critical. The extent of the bow must be carefully calibrated to reflect the age, social rank and job title of your host.

  In short, the fate of a business relationship can hinge on such seemingly minor details. How often, at the close of a convention, have you apologized to a new acquaintance that you've run short of business cards? Or that you've left them in your hotel room? In this country, such apologies are routinely and quickly accepted, no questions asked, right?

  Not in the Pacific Rim. An Asian may not have a driver's license; he may leave his American Express card on his dresser. But he never leaves home without his business cards. "The business card is your identity," Greg explains. "You must have one at all times."

  Possession is half the battle, but not all. Where you carry your cards is also critical. Keep them in the side pocket of your suit jacket next to your heart, but never in your wallet if you carry the latter in your rear pants pocket. This attention to anatomical detail is no small matter, cautions Greg. "It tells a customer what you think of him."

  • 注意职务的重要性:不仅名片上有关你的专业身份是重要的,而且名片上的职务也是很重要的。在有些环太平洋地区的国家,生意额的大小往往与洽谈生意的人的职务大小有关,有时甚至是绝对相关。例如,一个总经理可能会坚持只和对方的总经理洽谈,而不会与出口部经理或"仅仅是"销售代表洽谈。这样的事却是发生在美国好施集团的国外销售代表身上,他当时正希望与一位有前景的客户的总经理洽谈。为了解决这样的问题,"我们最好还是把他'提升为'总经理,"丹尼说。
  • Beware of the importance of job titles: If business cards are critical as a statement of your professional identity, so therefore are the job titles listed on them. In some Pacific Rim nations, dealing with business equals - as determined by title - is an absolute must. A general manager may insist upon dealing solely with another general manager, for example, and not an export manager or a "mere" sales representative. That's exactly what happened to a Hirsch overseas sales rep when he tried to gain access to the general manager of a particular prospect. To resolve the issue and conclude the sale, "We had to 'promote' him to general manager as well," says Dan.

  If your business card does not show the right title for the situation at hand, you could lose a sale, according to Dan, "either because you end up talking to the wrong people or can't see the right ones."

  • 控制运费成本:正如前面所述,出口市场的竞争程度丝毫并不亚于美国国内。这就要求必须非常重视成本控制,特别是运费成本控制。"坦率的说,一个人飞跃太平洋的机票费比一个浴缸得空运费要便宜的多,"丹尼说。
  • Control your freight costs: As already noted, export markets can be every bit as competitive as their American counterparts. That puts a premium on cost control, especially shipping expenses. "Frankly, a person can fly across the Pacific almost as cheaply as a bathtub can," says Dan.

  Surface freight rates are about 20% of air rates, according to Mariscal. While this means an order will take nearly three weeks to arrive, as opposed to a few hours, the price differential may make the extra wait worthwhile. This differential also spurs an exporter like Hirsch to teach its overseas customers to better anticipate needs and avoid expensive emergency orders.

  But emergencies do occur. On one occasion, Hirsch air-freighted a tub to an export customer with an immediate need. "That easily quadrupled the price of the fixture," says Dan. Fortunately, the customer was willing to absorb the extra expense in this instance. But when the error is Hirsch's fault, the company has no choice but to pay the freight.

  • 注意你的货款:有时从隔壁城镇甚至街对面的客户那里讨回货款都是一件在艰难不过的事情,你又怎么能够确定从太平洋对岸的客户那里要到货款?
  • Control your credit: It's tough enough sometimes collecting your money from the customer across town or even across the street. How do you make sure you get your money from someone across the ocean?

  Hirsch uses various approaches to credit, depending on the account and its track record with the firm. "It's a case-by-case situation." says Greg. "Fortunately, the problems we've had have not been major."

  With the first-time customer, Hirsch will ask for some type of deposit - up to 100% - in advance of shipment. This conservative stance sounds prudent, but it often puts the seller at a distinct competitive disadvantage. "It's a global market," Greg remarks. "We're not competing just with other Americans. For example, the European standard is 120-day terms, and customers will ask for that." He also notes that European companies may feel more comfortable extending credit to an unknown or poor credit risk because of government programs that guarantee their receivables.

  Lacking that security, Hirsch puts only well-established accounts with good credit histories on open order. However, for larger orders or projects, Hirsch may still ask such a customer for a letter of credit to guarantee the payment.

  Why not use letters of credit all the time? For one, they are not without a cost to the seller and thus cut into his profit margin. Various banking fees may run as high as 2% of the transaction. In addition, "LCs also tie up the buyer's line of credit by the amount of the order," Greg comments. "Thus, for smaller orders, LCs are a nuisance."

  Still, the Mariscals are using them more often these days, thanks to the happy fact that their orders are getting bigger and bigger." "I don't feel comfortable shipping large orders on open account unless I have complete trust in my customer," says Greg. "You've got to know your customers very well, because you are treading dangerous waters."

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